Jeremy and Amanda

Welcome! To our blog! We are excited to share some of our adventures with you!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Here's what has been happening around our house for the past month... ENJOY!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
Aunt Connie in New Mexico over Thanksgiving.
Tamaya Christmas Tree

Thanksgiving at Grandma Doty's with Jan!

Kel, Kyle, Tay during Thanksgiving dinner!
St. Teresa, Costa Rica!
Poncho the Monkey

Montezuma Waterfall
Our open air villa at Flor Blanca, St. Teresa

Our plane to St. Teresa and Mal Pais
Country side on our way to San Jose from La Fortuna
La Fortuna Waterfall
Grounds at Tabacon Hot Springs

The Hot Springs at our Resort

Road side souvenirs at Tabacon
Arenal Rain Forest

Hanging bridges near Arenal Volcano

Blue Morpho Butterfly at the conservatory.
Owl butterfly
Blue Morphos eating.
Getting ready to zip line near Arenal.
Jeremy zip lining!
Lake Arenal
Our room at Tabacon
Arenal Volcano
