Jeremy and Amanda

Welcome! To our blog! We are excited to share some of our adventures with you!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Signs of Spring!

Our favorite dog... Tess!
Sign #1: Green grass!
Sign #2: Purple Lupine

Yesterday was a beautiful day. We spent the day cleaning and getting things ready for patients at Jer's new office. Jer stayed most of the day but I got to come home and enjoy Tess and the spring weather. Spring is well on its way or at least we thought it was. Today, while we were in church we got a few inches of SNOW!! Can't believe its still coming but there are signs that it will end eventually and we will enjoy warmer weather. Here are some of the signs of Spring that Tess and I found around our house!
I had our school's Talent Show this past Thursday. Our theme was "Undercover Superstars". The kids did such a great job and my student council did amazing behind the scenes. I passed out 100 Grand Candy Bars at the end to the participants and I went through 72 bars! I couldn't believe I worked with that many kids. It was almost a 2 hour show but everyone seemed to enjoy it. It was well worth the hard work!
Jeremy opens his office to patients on Monday. He has practically lived there the past 4 days. I don't think he realized how much work would go into opening a new office. It is beautiful though and I feel it will be a great blessing to Jer's practice. It is in a great location. It sits right off the 215 at 6700 South and 900 East. We are so glad Dr. Layton decided to build this new beautiful building and we are glad to be with him and the rest of Elite Chiropractic!
On other notes... Jer and I taught combined Priesthood and Relief Society today and I have to say I have an amazing husband. After a very busy week he pulled together a great lesson. He is so personable and connected really well with the class members. I sure was proud! Finally, I applied for a summer position at Rowland Hall, a private school close by and I found out... I got the job! I am so excited! It is going to be great for the summer. I only work 3 hours a day 4 days a week! I haven't heard anything about my job for next year but at least I have the summer worked out.
So life is good and Spring is on the way! Hope you are all happy, healthy and TERRIFIC! We love you!
Jer's new office!
The new home of Elite Chiropractic 6717 South 900 East
Tess enjoying the water

Sign #4: Pansies
Sign #5: Buds on the trees
Sign #6: Daffodils in bloom
Sign #7: Beautiful Sky!
Sign #8: Has been removed since according to my Mom "we are raising ladies"


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Busy Times!

Time to make some silly faces!

Best Friends!
We love Macy!
Playing the Wii.

The past month or so has been crazy at our house! Well as crazy as it can get without adding kids to mix... so for those of you with little ones we give you props. I don't know how you get it all done because I am struggling and I only have to take care of myself and of course my wonderful hubbie! So here is what is going on...
I have taken on the task of organizing our school wide talent show. We had 120 acts tryout and have narrowed it down to 34 great groups. This means that the after school hours are filled with PRACTICE! We had our first practice for the first 10 acts yesterday and I have to say I am surrounded with some pretty amazing kids. I am trying to keep the show simple so that we can highlight the talent in our school without creating more work than I can handle. I am still taking classes one night a week but my favorite extra curricular activity (other than hanging with Jer) is my Pilates class. I have loved my hour class each week and the ladies I take the class with. It is a hard class but it has been fun to have a trainer helping me achieve my fitness goals.
Jeremy has been extra busy this month preparing to move into his new office. We are looking forward to the move, hoping all will go smoothly and be an easy transition for his patients. We will update you with pictures of the new building soon!
Other than that we have been playing with family. We celebrated Haillie's and Mike's birthdays this past weekend. It was so fun to be together. Weston was my little buddy. He is so small but has such big personality! We are so blessed to have such great family. We are lucky to have Jer's family so close and miss my family tons! We love you all and hope you have a great week!
